Structural Anomalies Discovered On Pluto
Structural anomalies on the planet Pluto by Coach Billy Carson of Mars Discoveries and Solar System Anomalies. In association with UFAH....

Docked Hover Craft On Mars
Docked hover craft on Mars with visible docking clamp. Discovered by Coach Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge, Mars Discoveries & Solar...

Life on Mercury.? UFAH Favorite images part 12
This Image is found Coach Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge, Mars Discoveries & Solar System Anomalies, Exclusive Mars Images and Mars...

Pipes Gushing Water Or Fluid On Mars
MOC narrow-angle image M11-00099 by Neville Thompson and processed by Michael Ivey of Exclusive Mars Images. #mars #curiosityrover #UFAH...
Ancient 'Greek - Style' Head On Mars. UFAH Favorite images part 11
This Image is found Martine Grainey of Exclusive Mars Images in association with the United Family of Anomaly Hunters, Image Credit NASA:...
Nemrut Statue on Mars: Curiosity Rover
This Image is found Brian Hopjins of Martian Archaeology. Further enhanced by Martine Grainey in association with the United Family of...
UFAH Favorite images part 9.. The Boat
This Image is found and processed by Joe white from ArtAlienTV. Commentary by Martine Grainey, Neville Thompson, Coach Billy Carson, Joe...
NASA sourced images compiled from the work of UFAH members and produced by ArtAlienTV on Youtube. Published on Aug 28, 2015" What looks...
NASA Sourced Images Prove Mars Had Technology & Tools
NASA sourced images compiled from the work of UFAH members and produced by Brian Hopjins of Martian Archeology on Youtube #mars...
NASA Chief says there is Life on Mars - THE EVIDENCE by Rami Bar Ilan
NASA Chief says there is Life on Mars - THE EVIDENCE by Rami Bar Ilan of Exclusive Mars Images #mars #curiosityrover #UFAH #anomalies...